Welcome to Architect Gregg Fleishman’s “Station II” part of the Sky Portal X series. It’s a climbable three sided pyramid crafted from birch using precision CNC routers. The structure comprises a three dimensional network of square panels intersecting corner to corner, defining additional planes that create truncated octahedrons, one of the “Archimedean solids”.

Alone the octahedron requires many tetrahedrons to help fill space, however once truncated it does this autonomously. The load travels along the angular zig zag edges of a network of hardwood ply panels braced in three dimensions by surrounding pods. The base establishes a strong connection to the Earth as it echoes the living systems of cell structure and bee hives. In ancient symbolism, the highest point of the mountain - here represented by the truncated octahedron - serves as a bridge between the earth and the sky.

The use of these geometric principles in design honors the formations of nature - resulting in a kind of structural organic and infinite architecture. Not only incorporating biomimicry in aesthetic ways, but in structural integrity and utility. Explore the space, observe the light of the sun and moon dance through its shapes, and notice how the geometry shifts your state of being.